Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.



Learning Modes


In-person (P)

The course will be delivered fully in person and requires students to come to campus. A variety of methods will be used to aid students in acquiring the knowledge and skills required to meet the learning outcomes of the course.

Hybrid (H)

Delivery of this course will be mixed and will include both in-person and online components. Students will be required to come to campus for the in-person part of their course. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the weekly schedule and important deadlines at the start of the course.

Flexible (FL)

Using interactive learning spaces, professors teach in person to students in a physical classroom or lab and stream to students online at the same time. In courses delivered in the flexible format, students have a choice of coming to campus for an in-person experience or learning online.

Online Synchronous (OS)

The course will be delivered online, providing students with an opportunity to attend a weekly online class at a scheduled day and time. Classes will include synchronous real-time activities led by an instructor, instructor-student and student-student interactions, and will be complemented by asynchronous, self-directed activities. Students are expected to participate in the weekly live online sessions at the scheduled time. The sessions will take place using video-conferencing platforms such as Webex, Zoom, Teams, or Big Blue Button. They are typically recorded and can be accessed by students for the duration of the course. However, please note that in most cases, classes will not be 3 hours of live, real-time instruction. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the course outline, the weekly schedule and important deadlines at the start of the course.

Online Asynchronous (OA)

The course will be delivered online without any scheduled classes. It is being offered as self-directed, providing students with significant flexibility to learn and study on their own time. All online activities will be asynchronous, such as lesson modules, lecture notes, discussion groups, multi-media content, assignments and assessments. Consultations with the course facilitator occur via email or course discussion board. While students work through the course materials at the time of their choosing, they are expected to follow a weekly schedule to complete activities and submit assignments by the due dates specified by the facilitator. Students may interact with their facilitator or each other through the course's Learning Management System, such as Blackboard.

Online Synchronous and Asynchronous (OB)

The course will include some synchronous online sessions occurring at a scheduled day and time, as well as some self-directed activities which students complete at the time of their choosing while adhering to specified due dates. For example, a course may have bi-weekly scheduled live online sessions and asynchronous activities on the other weeks. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the course outline, the weekly schedule and important deadlines at the start of the course.

eCorrespondence (E)

The course will be delivered via email. E-correspondence materials including, among others, study guides, course timelines, and assignment sheets, will be emailed to students for download in a digital format. Students can expect to receive instructions by email and correspond with their course facilitator by email.

Fieldwork (F)

This course is an experiential learning opportunity for students to integrate their academics with real-world working environments. It can be in the form of a practicum, field placement or clinical which takes place in a formal work environment. Fieldwork hours vary depending on the program.