ECY103 - Health, Safety and Nutrition

Outline info
Last revision date 2024-07-10 13:56:10.02
Last review date 2024-07-10 13:56:10.02

Subject Title
Health, Safety and Nutrition

Subject Description
This subject focuses on four health related topics and their relevance in working with young children in preschool settings. 
These topics are health, nutrition, safety and child abuse.

Credit Status
ECY 103 is an Early Childhood Education Accelerated Diploma Program prescribed subject.   ECY 103 is a first year, first semester subject. The pre-requisites are equivalent to the criteria set for admission into the Early Childhood Education Program.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject the student will be able to:

Specific Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this subject, the student will be able to:

  1. Explain the scope and limits of the Early Childhood Educator's role to ensure the health, safety and nutrition of children in early learning environments.
  2. Apply the principles of wellness to their own lives as well as to their work with children and families.
  3. Examine the environmental stressors, which may affect children's health to create a healthy safe environment.
  4. Identify characteristics of safe and developmentally appropriate environments and the strategies required in order to maintain safe environments both indoors and outdoors.
  5. Explain the legislated procedures required in reporting suspected child abuse.

ECE Vocational Outcomes:
The following are the Early Childhood Education Program Vocational outcomes. The outcomes listed in bold font indicate which outcomes are focused on in this subject.
The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:
  1. Design, implement and evaluate inclusive and play-based early learning curriculum and programs that support children's holistic development and are responsive to individual children's and groups of children's observed abilities, interests and ideas.
  2. Establish and maintain inclusive early learning environments that support diverse, equitable and accessible developmental and learning opportunities for all children and their families.
  3. Select and use a variety of screening tools, observation and documentation strategies to review, support and promote children's learning across the continuum of early childhood development.
  4. Establish and maintain responsive relationships with individual children, groups of children and families.
  5. Assess, develop and maintain safe, healthy and quality early learning environments which meet the requirements of current legislation, agency policies and evidence-based practices in early learning.
  6. Prepare and use professional written, verbal, nonverbal and electronic communications when working with children, families, colleagues, employers, and community partners.
  7. Identify, select and apply relevant legislation, regulations, College of Early Childhood Educators Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, policies and evidence-based practice guidelines, and interpret their impact on a variety of early learning environments.
  8. Apply a developing personal philosophy of early learning in accordance with ethical and professional standards of early childhood education practice.
  9. Advocate for quality early learning environments and collaborate with members of the early learning team, families and community partners to establish and promote such settings.
  10. Engage in reflective practice, develop learning goals and maintain an ongoing professional development plan in accordance with evidence-based practices in early learning and related fields.

Academic Integrity
Seneca upholds a learning community that values academic integrity, honesty, fairness, trust, respect, responsibility and courage. These values enhance Seneca's commitment to deliver high-quality education and teaching excellence, while supporting a positive learning environment. Ensure that you are aware of Seneca's Academic Integrity Policy which can be found at: Review section 2 of the policy for details regarding approaches to supporting integrity. Section 2.3 and Appendix B of the policy describe various sanctions that can be applied, if there is suspected academic misconduct (e.g., contract cheating, cheating, falsification, impersonation or plagiarism).

Please visit the Academic Integrity website to understand and learn more about how to prepare and submit work so that it supports academic integrity, and to avoid academic misconduct.

All students and employees have the right to study and work in an environment that is free from discrimination and/or harassment. Language or activities that defeat this objective violate the College Policy on Discrimination/Harassment and shall not be tolerated. Information and assistance are available from the Student Conduct Office at

Accommodation for Students with Disabilities
The College will provide reasonable accommodation to students with disabilities in order to promote academic success. If you require accommodation, contact the Counselling and Accessibility Services Office at ext. 22900 to initiate the process for documenting, assessing and implementing your individual accommodation needs.

Camera Use and Recordings - Synchronous (Live) Classes
Synchronous (live) classes may be delivered in person, in a Flexible Learning space, or online through a Seneca web conferencing platform such as MS Teams or Zoom. Flexible Learning spaces are equipped with cameras, microphones, monitors and speakers that capture and stream instructor and student interactions, providing an in-person experience for students choosing to study online.

Students joining a live class online may be required to have a working camera in order to participate, or for certain activities (e.g. group work, assessments), and high-speed broadband access (e.g. Cable, DSL) is highly recommended. In the event students encounter circumstances that impact their ability to join the platform with their camera on, they should reach out to the professor to discuss. Live classes may be recorded and made available to students to support access to course content and promote student learning and success.

By attending live classes, students are consenting to the collection and use of their personal information for the purposes of administering the class and associated coursework. To learn more about Seneca's privacy practices, visit Privacy Notice.


Corequisite(s): ECY100, ECY102, ECY104, ECY105, EFP102

Topic Outline

  • Identification and prevention of illness
  • Management of illness
  • Environmental contaminants

  • Diversity in menu planning incorporating the four major food groups
  • Nutritional requirements and issues such as: childhood obesity/physical exercise. Examine their own traditional family diets and those of First Nations Indigenous cultures

  • Playground safety
  • Safe indoor and outdoor environments

Child Abuse
  • The process of reporting suspected child abuse

Self Care:
  • Professional hazards
  • Prevention of burn out

Mode of Instruction
Subject content will be covered through various means and the student will be expected to participate in, and contribute to the process of learning.  The strategies may include: lectures, discussions, observations, workshops, audio visual presentations and on-line subject website.

Prescribed Texts
Pimento and Kernested. (2024) Healthy foundations in early childhood settings (7th Canadian Edition), Canada:  Nelson Education; ISBN# 9781778415388

Government of Ontario (2016) Child care and early years act. Toronto: Queens Printer for Ontario

To find out the cost of books and learning material go here.

Any courses not listed on the bookstore webpage do not require any resources for purchase. All resources will be provided by your instructor.

Reference Material

Required Supplies

Student Progression and Promotion Policy

Grading Policy

A+ 90%  to  100%
A 80%  to  89%
B+ 75%  to  79%
B 70%  to  74%
C+ 65%  to  69%
C 60%  to  64%
D+ 55%  to  59%
D 50%  to  54%
F 0%    to  49% (Not a Pass)
EXC Excellent
SAT Satisfactory
UNSAT Unsatisfactory

For further information, see a copy of the Academic Policy, available online ( or at Seneca's Registrar's Offices..

Modes of Evaluation
Evaluation Structure:

  • 40% - Healthy Safe Environments Project (includes self care)
  • 30% - Playground Observation and Assessment
  • 30% - Final Child Abuse Quiz

Please note:  It is the student’s responsibility to keep copies of materials (assignments, etc.) used for evaluative purposes.
In order to receive a passing grade in each ECE subject, every component of evaluation must be completed at a passing level.

Due Dates and Extensions:
Due dates for the assignments and other evaluation procedures for each subject are set in class.
Requests for extensions must be made to the professor before the due date.  Many professors require written requests and approval forms for extensions.
If an assignment is late, one full grade or 10% (whichever is less) may be deducted the first day.  20% may be deducted day 8, etc.
When an assignment grade has been reduced to an "F" because of late submission, the "F" grade will be used to calculate the final subject grade but will not prevent the student from passing the subject.
The last day to submit a late assignment is the last day of classes for that subject.
Unless an extension has already been approved by the professor, assignments received after the final day of a subject will receive "0" marks.  The resulting mark in this subject will be an "F".
If you hand in an assignment too late for feedback or revision, and receive an "F" grade for that assignment, you forfeit the right to resubmit that assignment.

Absence during scheduled tests and presentations require a medical note.  Failure to meet these requirements will result in an “F” grade.  Students are required to notify the professor before the scheduled test or presentation if they are unable to attend.

Assignments and in-class learning opportunities:
If you fail any assignment, in-class learning opportunity, quiz, test or other component of evaluation, you must rework the material at a passing level.
A "D" grade will be the highest grade in such a situation, regardless of the average attained.  You are allowed only 1 (one) rewrite per course.
The individual Professor will clarify re-submission procedures for each subject.

In-Class Presentations and Tests:
Attendance is mandatory for any scheduled in-class presentation or tests.  If a student fails to attend on the pre-arranged date, they will receive an "F" grade.  In the event of a serious occurrence, where a student can produce official documentation, a make up presentation or test may be granted, after discussion with the professor.
When students are absent it is their responsibility to “catch-up” on missed material, announcements, schedule changes, discussions, etc.

Professionalism and Confidentiality:
In cases of cheating or plagiarism, the College Academic Policy will prevail.  Please ensure that all assignments and reports are properly documented.
Students are referred to the following website for the Seneca College Library APA Style Guides, Academic Honesty Policy and Copyright guidelines.

Please retain this subject outline document for future educational and/or employment use.

Important Information:
As a student at Seneca College, you are expected to read the College Academic Policy, College Student Handbook and the ECE Student Handbook.  Please note that this information is very important.

Approved by: Dedra Profitt