PNC520 - Practical Nursing Consolidation

Outline info
Last revision date 2025-01-27 00:48:05.294
Last review date 2025-03-17 00:15:01.626

Subject Title
Practical Nursing Consolidation

Subject Description
Having completed all professional and general education subject requirements, students will enter their final consolidation practicum.  This is an intensive and demanding clinical practice course.  Clinical practice hours do not include course orientation on campus. Working with a preceptor that is either a Registered Practical Nurse or a Registered Nurse, the student will collaborate to develop and refine their clinical practice skills and meet the learning outcomes of this course. The student shares the preceptor's clinical practice schedule.  Hours and days of the week will vary.  Under the preceptor's guidance and mentoring, the student will meet the learning outcomes of this experience. The student will work the preceptor?s schedule throughout the term. The student is required to log 400 supervised clinical hours.  During this time, he/she will strive to gradually assume the workload of an RPN at that clinical agency.


Credit Status
Successful completion of this course provides one credit towards the Practical Nursing Diploma.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject the student will be able to:

Upon completion of this course, the student will demonstrate the ability to: 

  1. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with clients, peers, and the interprofessional health care team members, both verbally and in writing, utilize computerized documentation programs, and recognize the difference between relevant and irrelevant information. 
  2. Demonstrate the behaviours and actions that contribute to therapeutic nurse-client relationship and the use of therapeutic communication techniques that supports health teaching, empowers clients to determine resources for their health care needs, and ensure ethical and safe client-centred care. 
  3. Establish and maintain a caring safe client-centred environment that supports a collaborative relationship with clients respecting of diversity in order to achieve optimal health outcomes, manage illness, and chronic disease, or a peaceful death. 
  4. Evaluate and apply evidence-informed nursing knowledge, as well as, providing and receiving feedback from health care team member to develop and use clinical judgment, prioritize plans of care, establish health-teaching strategies, and evaluate client outcomes. 
  5. Collaborate with the interprofessional and intraprofessional health care team members during the assessment of clients, analyzing and interpreting data, setting priorities, transfer of responsibility of care, implementing effective nursing interventions and treatments, and evaluating and modifying plans of care and outcomes for clients. 
  6. Demonstrate knowledge of the distinction between ethical responsibility and legal rights of clients, advocating for clients, the importance of obtaining consent, and providing privacy and confidentiality when providing care. 
  7. Implement and evaluate the appropriate conflict resolution skills, which includes the use of supportive behaviors, active listening, as well as respectful, clear, and concise professional language.  
  8. Demonstrate knowledge of critical thinking and problem-solving skills in all aspects of nursing care through reflective practice, use of the nursing process and systematic inquiry. 
  9. Maintain clear, concise, accurate and timely records of client care, both in writing and using computer technology, according to the facility policies. 
  10. Demonstrate professional behaviour in all nurse-client interactions, enact the primary principle to protect the public, maintain nurse-client boundaries, and assist to identify situations of client abuse. 
  11. Autonomously perform a wide range of nursing interventions that promote health, prevent disease, restore health, and provide palliation, and the appropriateness of delegation and teaching unregulated care providers within the scope of practice. 
  12. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact and implications of informatics, technologies and physical resources in health care required to manage the care for clients.
  13. Demonstrate openness to new ideas and awareness of current nursing trends that the impact of the determinants of health and will enhance and support the changing health care environment and nursing care. 
  14. In collaboration with client and family members, responds and appropriately reports to health care team members rapidly changing situations that effect care, changes in priorities, and client outcomes.
  15. Demonstrate appropriate medication administration, aseptic and sterile techniques in the management of therapeutic nursing interventions during the implementation of care. 
  16. Successfully achieved a satisfactory grade on comprehensive exam.

Essential Employability Skills

    •  Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken and visual form that fulfils the purpose and meets the needs of the audience.

    •  Respond to written, spoken, or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication.

    •  Execute mathematical operations accurately.

    •  Apply a systematic approach to solve problems.

    •  Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems.

    •  Locate, select, organize, and document information using appropriate technology and information systems.

    •  Analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant information from a variety of sources.

    •  Show respect for diverse opinions, values, belief systems, and contributions of others.

    •  Interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals.

    •  Manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects.

    •  Take responsibility for one's own actions, decisions, and consequences.

Academic Integrity
Seneca upholds a learning community that values academic integrity, honesty, fairness, trust, respect, responsibility and courage. These values enhance Seneca's commitment to deliver high-quality education and teaching excellence, while supporting a positive learning environment. Ensure that you are aware of Seneca's Academic Integrity Policy which can be found at: Review section 2 of the policy for details regarding approaches to supporting integrity. Section 2.3 and Appendix B of the policy describe various sanctions that can be applied, if there is suspected academic misconduct (e.g., contract cheating, cheating, falsification, impersonation or plagiarism).

Please visit the Academic Integrity website to understand and learn more about how to prepare and submit work so that it supports academic integrity, and to avoid academic misconduct.

All students and employees have the right to study and work in an environment that is free from discrimination and/or harassment. Language or activities that defeat this objective violate the College Policy on Discrimination/Harassment and shall not be tolerated. Information and assistance are available from the Student Conduct Office at

Accommodation for Students with Disabilities
The College will provide reasonable accommodation to students with disabilities in order to promote academic success. If you require accommodation, contact the Counselling and Accessibility Services Office at ext. 22900 to initiate the process for documenting, assessing and implementing your individual accommodation needs.

Camera Use and Recordings - Synchronous (Live) Classes
Synchronous (live) classes may be delivered in person, in a Flexible Learning space, or online through a Seneca web conferencing platform such as MS Teams or Zoom. Flexible Learning spaces are equipped with cameras, microphones, monitors and speakers that capture and stream instructor and student interactions, providing an in-person experience for students choosing to study online.

Students joining a live class online may be required to have a working camera in order to participate, or for certain activities (e.g. group work, assessments), and high-speed broadband access (e.g. Cable, DSL) is highly recommended. In the event students encounter circumstances that impact their ability to join the platform with their camera on, they should reach out to the professor to discuss. Live classes may be recorded and made available to students to support access to course content and promote student learning and success.

By attending live classes, students are consenting to the collection and use of their personal information for the purposes of administering the class and associated coursework. To learn more about Seneca's privacy practices, visit Privacy Notice.


Pre-req: All professional practical nursing courses and general education subjects.

Co-req:  None

All general education electives and professional courses must be completed before the student is eligible to register for PNC 520. Only under special circumstance and permission from the program coordinator may a student complete an online compressed asynchronous course that will not interfere with any component of PNC 520 course. 

Topic Outline
Consolidation is the final clinical experience of the Practical Nursing Diploma Program. It follows the successful completion of all professional and general education requirements. The consolidation experience is designed to facilitate the transition from student to graduate Practical Nurse.

Mode of Instruction

Minimum of 400 hours of clinical experience

Online and in-person theoretical evaluation and learning

Prescribed Texts

Resources as identified on Learn@Seneca

**Student are required to purchase NurseAchieve Rex-PN Pacakge online exam preparation resource for a minimum of 90 days.

To find out the cost of books and learning material go here.

Any courses not listed on the bookstore webpage do not require any resources for purchase. All resources will be provided by your instructor.

Reference Material
Carpenito-Moyet, L., J. (2012). Nursing diagnosis: Application to clinical practice. (14th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Wolters Kluwer.
Panga, K. D., & Panga, T. J. (2013). Mosby’s Canadian Manuarl of diagnostic and Laboratory Tests. (1st Cdn. ed.) Toronto, ON: Elsevier.

Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions (10th ed.) (2017).  St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book.
Skidmore-Roth, L. (2017). Mosby’s 2017 Nursing Drug Reference (30th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.

Required Supplies

  • Seneca College Clip-On Picture ID from the One Card Office.
  • Seneca College Nursing Uniform
  • Watch with a second hand.
  • Stethoscope, penlight
  • Lock for Locker at clinical site.
  • Required Computer Hardware/Software and Internet Access:  Technical Requirements for Online Learning @ Seneca

Student Progression and Promotion Policy

Grading Policy

Grading Policy
A+ 90%  to  100%
A 80%  to  89%
B+ 75%  to  79%
B 70%  to  74%
C+ 65%  to  69%
C 60%  to  64%
D+ 55%  to  59%
D 50%  to  54%
F 0%    to  49% (Not a Pass)
EXC Excellent
SAT Satisfactory
UNSAT Unsatisfactory

For further information, see a copy of the Academic Policy, available online ( or at Seneca's Registrar's Offices. (

To achieve a grade of SAT (satisfactory), students must:

  • Achieve the PNC 520 Learning Outcomes by meeting all clinical and theoretical competencies.
  • Achieve math mastery on the clinical math test as outlined in the program handbook.
  • OSCE completion and submission of learning plan
  • Pre-Licensure Mock Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT): Must achieve a pass on all of them.
  • Comprehensive Exams:
    • HESI Exit Exam – min score of 850
  • SAT on Clinical Evaluations (Midterm/Final/Self/Learning Plan)
  • SAT on discussion board posts

Modes of Evaluation

Overall Modes of Evaluation

Clinical Hours
SAT on Clinical Components
  • Minimum 400 hrs
  • Satisfactory grade (SAT) on Clinical Evaluations (Midterm/Final/Self/Learning Plan)
SAT on Theory Components
  • Achieve 90% on the clinical math test before  beginning clinical placement as outlined in the PND program handbook.
  • Complete OSCE and submission of learning plan if remediation is required reflecting OSCE learning needs.
  • Learning plan
  • Pre-Licensure Mock Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT):  Must achieve a pass on 3 separate tests.
  • Comprehensive Exams:
    • HESI Exit Exam– min score of 850
  • SAT on discussion board posts x 2


Approved by: Lisa Harfield