PRJ666 - Project Implementation

Outline info
Last revision date Sep 26, 2022 12:31:31 AM
Last review date Dec 5, 2022 12:15:07 AM

Subject Title
Project Implementation

Subject Description
This is the final course in the systems stream in which students complete the development and implementation phase of a project. As part of a team, students will plan and manage the development of an actual system using project planning, system design, system implementation, and unit and system testing methodologies. Students will also integrate and apply the object-oriented concepts, tools and techniques learned in previous courses, and create appropriate documentation for the completed system.

Credit Status
1 Credit
Required for CPA - Computer Programming and Analysis (Ontario College Advanced Diploma)

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject the student will be able to:

1. Apply the object-oriented analysis design and development concepts acquired in previous systems courses to the implementation of a complete computer project which was planned and designed in PRJ566
2. Develop procedures, and systems and user documentation for the development of a computer system
3. Collaborate as a team to provide weekly detailed oral and written status reports to the instructor and business client
4. Apply the concepts, techniques and principles acquired in previous programming courses to the programming of a complete desktop, web-enabled or mobile application
5. Devise and implement a testing strategy for all levels of testing

Essential Employability Skills

    •  Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken and visual form that fulfils the purpose and meets the needs of the audience.

    •  Respond to written, spoken, or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication.

    •  Execute mathematical operations accurately.

    •  Apply a systematic approach to solve problems.

    •  Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems.

    •  Locate, select, organize, and document information using appropriate technology and information systems.

    •  Analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant information from a variety of sources.

    •  Show respect for diverse opinions, values, belief systems, and contributions of others.

    •  Interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals.

    •  Manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects.

    •  Take responsibility for one's own actions, decisions, and consequences.

Academic Integrity
Seneca upholds a learning community that values academic integrity, honesty, fairness, trust, respect, responsibility and courage. These values enhance Seneca's commitment to deliver high-quality education and teaching excellence, while supporting a positive learning environment. Ensure that you are aware of Seneca's Academic Integrity Policy which can be found at: Review section 2 of the policy for details regarding approaches to supporting integrity. Section 2.3 and Appendix B of the policy describe various sanctions that can be applied, if there is suspected academic misconduct (e.g., contract cheating, cheating, falsification, impersonation or plagiarism).

Please visit the Academic Integrity website to understand and learn more about how to prepare and submit work so that it supports academic integrity, and to avoid academic misconduct.

All students and employees have the right to study and work in an environment that is free from discrimination and/or harassment. Language or activities that defeat this objective violate the College Policy on Discrimination/Harassment and shall not be tolerated. Information and assistance are available from the Student Conduct Office at

Accommodation for Students with Disabilities
The College will provide reasonable accommodation to students with disabilities in order to promote academic success. If you require accommodation, contact the Counselling and Accessibility Services Office at ext. 22900 to initiate the process for documenting, assessing and implementing your individual accommodation needs.

Camera Use and Recordings - Synchronous (Live) Classes
Synchronous (live) classes may be delivered in person, in a Flexible Learning space, or online through a Seneca web conferencing platform such as MS Teams or Zoom. Flexible Learning spaces are equipped with cameras, microphones, monitors and speakers that capture and stream instructor and student interactions, providing an in-person experience for students choosing to study online.

Students joining a live class online may be required to have a working camera in order to participate, or for certain activities (e.g. group work, assessments), and high-speed broadband access (e.g. Cable, DSL) is highly recommended. In the event students encounter circumstances that impact their ability to join the platform with their camera on, they should reach out to the professor to discuss. Live classes may be recorded and made available to students to support access to course content and promote student learning and success.

By attending live classes, students are consenting to the collection and use of their personal information for the purposes of administering the class and associated coursework. To learn more about Seneca's privacy practices, visit Privacy Notice.

SYS466 and JAC444 and WEB422 and PRJ566 and (EAC397 or EAC594)

Topic Outline

  • Review the requirements developed in PRJ566 for a computer project and determine an effective methodology that will lead to its successful development and implementation.
  • Refine the time estimates, cost and resources required to implement the system.
  • Refine manpower allocation estimates to implement the system, including:
    •         A detailed level PERT chart for programming tasks
    •         A detailed testing plan for all levels of testing unit and system testing
    •         A Gantt chart for all major milestones and activities of the development and implementation phase
    •         Task allocation
    •         Task estimates
  • Take the project from the analysis phase through design, coding, testing, to implementation using Object-oriented methodology.
  • Experience the development, testing and documentation of the following essential functions:
    •         Controls & backups
    •         Editing
    •         On-line enquiry and update
    •         Reporting
  • Provide complete and accurate documentation in support of the project. The minimum should include:
    •         Use cases
    •         Test cases
    •         Object model
    •         Program documentation
    •         Program source code
    •         Samples of printed output
    •         User's reference manual
  • Conduct meetings, monitor progress and report to the project leader on a regular basis.
  • Conduct system testing and assess the performance of the systemagainst the performance specifications determined during the analysis by the user.
  • Create and use a source code repository for the project using a tool, such as Subversion, to manage the project code.

Mode of Instruction
4 hours interactive lecture per week for the first few weeks, then weekly group meetings with the professor. Students are also expected to conduct their own group meetings at least once a week and carry on development of their project independently under the direction of the professor. Each student is expected to spend 80-120 hours on this course over a semester

Prescribed Texts

To find out the cost of books and learning material go here.

Any courses not listed on the bookstore webpage do not require any resources for purchase. All resources will be provided by your instructor.

Reference Material

Required Supplies

Student Progression and Promotion Policy
To obtain a credit in this subject, a student must:

  •     Achieve a grade of 55% or better on the project.
  •     Successfully Complete the project

Grading Policy

A+ 90%  to  100%
A 80%  to  89%
B+ 75%  to  79%
B 70%  to  74%
C+ 65%  to  69%
C 60%  to  64%
D+ 55%  to  59%
D 50%  to  54%
F 0%    to  49% (Not a Pass)
EXC Excellent
SAT Satisfactory
UNSAT Unsatisfactory

For further information, see a copy of the Academic Policy, available online ( or at Seneca's Registrar's Offices. (

Modes of Evaluation

Final Project Implementation (Group Mark) 40%
Documentation (Group Mark) 10%
Degree of Difficulty (Group Mark) 10%
Teacher Evaluation (Measured Individually) 25%
Deadlines, Weekly Meetings, etc. (Measured Individually) 15%

Approved by: Kathy Dumanski